

Borealis Mining Concern
Name Borealis Mining Concern
Ticker BOMIC
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Myass Uahh
Members 4
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98267673

Members [4]


"Let's be honest, painfully so if you don't mind me saying so. We like to pretend that we have some level of competency but we just really do not have anything of the sort. We pretend that we can be on the top of the world, and that is a near impossible goal to achieve, but one that we shoot for anyways. We've wandered the world from the eastern lands to the northern hegemony to the brutality of the south, and we have found a more solid home here on the very edge of civilization moreso than we did going into the distant wastes. That's the key, that's what we are looking for. I believe in an irreversible advance towards an uncertain destiny that awaits us, but no matter what, it will be the journey, not the end destination that decides what the true merit of our people is, and that in itself both scares me and makes me want to see the continuation of the cycle, to read every page in the book and have a certain sense of sadness when it ends. The legacy that we leave behind will outlast any structure that we build, and that is the best that we can hope for."

The Ember Front and the Brotherhood of Exiles lives on. Apply today.

CEO: Hans Zwaardhandler
Directors: Hans Zwaardhandler, Doctor EjaBig
Diplomat: Hans Zwaardhandler, Doctor EjaBig
Public Channel: Borealis pub
Recruitment Chat: Borealis Recruitment

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-12-17 08:12:57
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